Upcoming events
Canadian All-breed IGP National Championship 2025
Date: June 27-29, 2025
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Judges: Vincent Solare (France/SCC)
Website: coming soon
Member clubs IGP events
Canadian Working Belgian Shepherd Association (CWBSA) events: http://cwbsa.ca/events/
German Shepherd Schutzhund Club of Canada (GSSCC) events: http://gsscc.ca/schedule-of-events.aspx
Past events
Canadian All-breed IGP National Championship 2024
Date: June 14-16, 2024
Location: Hamilton, Ontario
Judges: Martin Kruiss (Austria/OKV) - Ken Trouton (Canada/CWDF)
Results: https://www.caniva.com/event/18480/CWDF-IGP-Nationals-2024/resultAll
Canadian All-breed IGP National Championship 2023
Date: June 23-25, 2023
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Judges: Klaus-jürgen Glüh (Germany/VDH) - Jim Chrisp (Canada/CWDF)
Results: https://www.caniva.com/event/15380/CWDF-Nationals-2023/resultAll
Canadian All-breed IGP National Championship 2022
Date: June 30-July 3
Location: Hamilton, Ontario
Judges: Darin Clarke (A - Canada), Rinus Bastiaansen (B & C - Belgium)
Results: https://www.working-dog.com/results/2022-Canadian-All-breed-National-IGP-Championship-2022---IGP-3-21302853
Canadian All-breed IGP National Championship 2021

Results: https://www.caniva.com/event/8696/Canadian-All-breed-National-IGP--FH-Championship-2021/resultAll
Canadian All-breed IGP National Championship 2020 [Cancelled due to Covid-19]
Canadian All-breed IGP National Championship 2019

Results: https://www.caniva.com/event/4837/Canadian-Working-Dog-Federation-IGP-National-Championship/resultAll
Canadian All-breed IPO-FH National Championship 2018
The first CWDF event was held October 20-21, 2018.
It combined the first Canadian IPO-FH Championship, qualifier for the 2019 IGP-FH World Championship, and a presentation of the new IPO (IGP) rules that will come into effect in January.
IPO-FH Tracking Championship
Not very well know in Canada, the IPO-FH title consists in 2 FH2 tracks, run on separate days, and as such bring a particularly challenging work for the dog, and handler.
This event will be co-hosted by the Synergy Working Dog Club (GSSCC) and Oxford IPO Working Dog Club (CWBSA).
The judges will be USCA Judge Don Yelle for the first series of tracks on Saturday, and CWDF and GSSCC Head Judge Andrea Duggan for the second series of tracks on Sunday.
For more information, please consult the FCI Regulations for the International Utility Dogs trials and the international Tracking Dogs trial on page 118.
2019 IGP new rules presentation
The speaker for this presentation was Mr. Frans Jansen, president of the FCI Utility Dogs Commission, that came from Holland to talk about the upcoming rule changes that will affect IPO, renamed IGP (Internationale Gebrauchshunde Prüfungsordnung = International Utility Dogs Regulations), for 2019.